Frequently Asked Questions
1. We accept Cash, Check, Or Credit Card Payments for the deposit and final payment.
Your new asphalt will be very pliable. Do not drive on the new asphalt for one week. Do not park on the new asphalt for 30 days. After 30 days, you can still get blemishes in your driveway.
Please do not put items like chairs, tables, bike kickstands, gas grills, portable basketball nets, or flower pots on the new asphalt. Those items will cause imperfections in the new asphalt.
If you park anything long-term on the asphalt, place plywood under the item to disburse the weight.
Do not allow roll-off dumpsters on your asphalt.
3. We do not recommend overlaying residential driveways. The base under the new asphalt helps determine how long it will last. Installing new asphalt over bad asphalt will cause the new asphalt layer to fail prematurely
4. Residential driveways should be between 2-3″ thick after compaction.
5. We recommend waiting at least one full summer after your asphalt is installed before seal coating.
6. Your yard may be slightly higher or lower than your new asphalt. Here’s why.
Your driveway has been in your yard for probably 20+ years. During that time, the sod has continued to thicken and grow while your asphalt has stayed static.
It is common for your sod to be overgrown 6″-12″ along the adjacent areas of the driveway. Once we remove the asphalt under the grass and string line and cut a new straight line for your new driveway, it can be a different elevation.
It is your job to fix the landscaping, as needed, once the project is completed.
This is an example of how the grass is overgrown, and the asphalt is under the sod on most driveways.
7. We use a driveway mix that is manufactured just before we pick it up, and we install it HOT!
Specifically, we use Level 3 Super Pave, specifically called 95340 or Technically SPWEA340B®, which contains 1/2″ or 9.5mm screened aggregate, fines, and a hot “B” oil as a binder.
This mix is the Cadillac of driveway mixes because it contains a higher concentration of washed materials and a super strong binder with the “B” oil. (“B” is a grade of Binder Oil which is a range from “C” to “H”)
What if another contractor claims to have a “Special” or “Better” type of asphalt? Is it true?? The truth is, almost all the residential asphalt mix comes from a handful of plants in the twin cities. Chances are, just about everyone gets the same mix from the same silo.
8. The short answer is that we are a smaller, family-owned business that can deliver huge results.
The reality is almost everyone uses the same asphalt, so how do you choose?
Desiree & Ty Huber started Super Seal coating almost 30 years ago. Over that time, we grew our presence in the twin cities by providing the best customer service and follow-up, and we stand behind our promises and warranty. We eventually evolved into Best Blacktop, bringing our core values and extremely high job expectations with us.
We personally train every employee to meet our high expectations, are easy to reach by cell, text, or email, and Ty is at EVERY install to be sure it turns out and hopefully exceeds your expectations.
9. The general term for the aggregate under your driveway is class 5. It used to be a yellowish-orange color because of the limestone content.
Over time, our industry realized we could recycle the old asphalt we were disposing of by grinding it up, adding some other aggregates back to it, and reusing it as our base. This not only helps the environment, but has almost completely phased out the expensive limestone mix.
Now, the recycle class 5 we use is more brown and can sometimes even contain crushed concrete.
We believe a strong driveway starts with the dirt we use underneath, so we are sure to use plenty, compact it well, and let it firm up before we install the asphalt.

Thank you for choosing our services. We hope your experience exceeds your expectations. Please call our office at (952) 649-8200 to make a credit card payment. There is a 3% convenience fee for all credit or debit card payments.